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Welcome to Sutton Little League!

Coaches Corner

Social distancing right now prevents team practices but doesn't stop individuals from working on developing their baseball skills.  Each week our coaches will post some great training tips for your youth player. 

 Have Fun and keeping working!

-Sutton Little League

Week 5- Outfield Drills

This week we have included some basic outfield drills.  As you progress to the more advanced levels of baseball you will find that outfielders are some of the strongest, most athletic players.  It is important that players learn at a young age the basic fundamentals of outfield play.  Ready position, proper footwork and hip movement as well as visually tracking the ball.

Week 4- Throwing

This week's Coach's corner is proper throwing mechanics. 

Often overlooked, it's one of the most basic aspects of baseball and should be worked on each day/every practice.  Playing catch and working on the proper mechanics for 10 minutes  a day is a key part to the development of any young baseball player.

Week 3- Pitching

This week's training involves some pitching drills.  Common theme for youth players in developing good pitching habits are as follows:

  • Balance- Maintain good strong balance throughout the entire delivery.
  • Direction- Keep your head and body in the direction you want to deliver.
  • Repeat proper mechanics- practice, practice and practice the proper mechanics.
Some of the videos are slow motion mechanics of MLB pitchers.  Watch, study and try to emulate your favorite pitcher.

Week 2- Hitting

Week 1-Fielding


Sutton Little League
Sutton, Massachusetts 01590

Email: [email protected]

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